

New Tech Perfect Systems and More Services

NTPSAMS is an IT consulting firm founded in 2008. Since then, its client list has expanded to include a large number of private companies, as well as NGOs and public organizations. We have created a highly effective center of skills and expertise covering various domains in the technology world. Our staff members have the capabilities and resources to deal with very specific issues and highly specialized cases.

Our Mission

Our mission is to empower our customers so they can realize their IT projects. A multidisciplinary team of consultants enables clients to benefit from a holistic approach to IT project management. From strategy to operational application and follow-ups, our clients experience a really close relationship and personalized support to ensure the success of their companies and their IT projects.



Jea Samuel Jules

JEAN SAMUEL JULES, S.E. SYSTEM ENGINEER CEO. CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER. NTPSAMS-TECHNOLOGY & ITCGROUP Education: -Currently conducting a certification from CISSP (Professional Security Information System Certified) -5 Years of Studies in the field of Computer Sciences at University of INUQUA -1 Year of Master in the specialization of Network and Telecommunication the field of Computer Sciences at University of CREFIMA) (Licence in Computer Sciences / INUQUA / CREFIMA) Has attended several seminaries on self performance for Certifications in specific fields such as: Networking, Telecom, Entrepreneurship, Law of work, Project Management and Programming Systems at ESIH, AUF, INUQUA, UNIQ, PACT respectively.(Certificates/ESIH( Ecole Superieur en Informatique d’Haiti, INUQUA(Institut Universitaire Quisqueya D'AMÉRIQUE), AUF(Agence Universitaire Francophone), UNIQ (Universite Quisqueya), CPLA (Cabinet Patrick Laurent) PACT (Progress & Accelerated Change Through Technology)) Affiliations Member of AHTIC (L’Association Haïtienne pour les Technologies de l’Information et de la Communication). Summary: Has worked as an IT Consultant and Sales Engineering for the past 10 years always available and passionate in bringing the assistance needed to his Customers and Enterprises like; NGOs, UN locally and Internationally as well as the general population in these specific lists of services. For more information please follow these links: (http://www.ntpsams.com https://itcgrouphaiti.com/blog Experience: - Pixel Haïti, IT Technicien, in the Cabling System for Both Building Hainet at Darguin Street, Petion-Ville. - Manutech INC, IT Consultant for the Local and International Company Managing the servers and taking care of the maintenance in the help desk department. - Digicel Haïti, CCTECH Agent in Help Desk Department. - Accesshaiti, IT Assistant IN NOC Department. - PLAZA HOTEL, IT Consultant, Translator, Driver and Logistic Supervisor in Chef for the Hotel and the CNN Staff Journalist. Since The earthquake. - ATALOU Micro System, Sales and System Engineer Manager and Marketing Agent. Etc… - NTPSAMS-TECHNOLOGY & ITCGROUP, CEO since 2008.

Meet the team behind NTPSAMS

Our team is made up of people passionate about technology and business management. Indeed,<br> a wide range of skills and expertise is needed to provide the best solution to our clients in all areas of Information Technology and consulting.



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We have created a fictional band website. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua



We have created a fictional band website. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua



We have created a fictional band website. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua